Having built a foundation of Korean language learning last semester, I have updated my learning plan to achieve realistic goals, at the same time challenge myself in the process of learning a new Language. I have incorporated my academic interest in the Korean Culture and the current pop culture of South Korea. This semester I will continue learning grammar, syntax, and more complex sentence structures. This will help me improve not only in writing but also in speaking and reading. After completing this, I hope to incorporate my study of syntax and grammar into reading news articles on areas of my interest including Post WWII issues regarding Japanese Colonialism in South Korea and the treatment of Comfort Women. These activities will not only give me a better understanding of the opinions of the Korean people, but it will also allow me to learn more vocabulary and practice reading and understanding Korean. I will also watch more Korean television series and dramas, try to pick up their speech pattern and also identify key grammar and syntax we will have discussed in class and the most commonly used words. This will help me improve my listening as well as writing.
I have had my first Korean lesson with my language partner Brenda this week. We have also discussed other pop-culture topics that we can incorporate into our discussions, such as workplace culture, food culture, and live streaming (which is really popular in South Korea). Through looking at these pop-cultures, I hope to keep up with the South Korean trends and have a better understanding of their culture.