Language Journal #3

These past weeks I have set myself a closer long-term goal and decided to apply for Study Abroad next Spring Semester 2021! I decided to make this decision since originally before COVID-19 my plan was to go next semester and then go to either Bocconi in Milan or Taiwan for Fall 2021. However, I realized there really isn't any point in waiting for the uncertain, and the whole COVID situation won't be solved until two years later it would be a waste to not apply. I wrote in my Study Abroad essay about taking this course and I feel like getting in would become a bigger driving force for me to start studying more seriously. Yonsei also has one of the best Korean learning programs in the world, I am confident after living in Seoul for more six months I will drastically improve. I also want to take the TOPIK in late Decemeber so that I can get an internship while I study abroad.

Based on these recent changes I have been practicing my speaking with my language partner and friends. Because I will hopefully be studying next semester in Yonsei, I want to be confident in my speaking skills and be able to hold conversations with Yonsei students. For me personally, the biggest challenge to overcome is getting over the fear of speaking and pronouncing words wrong. I am confident in my accent and pronunciation, but because I haven't had to speak Korean in a while it feels a little awkward. My friend Vivian even commented that my Korean is really good and that native speakers would just think I don't have a lot to say. So, expanding my vocabulary and grammar is my current focus, since I feel like my sentences can be choppy.

In order to expand my vocabulary I have been reading webtoons in Korean, my current favorite is 바니와 오빠들 or Bunny and her Boys. I usually try to find translations since it can be really time consuming to read a long chapter, and it takes me three times longer to read. However, it helps me learn new vocabulary and expressions that are commonly used by native korean speakers and learn certain cultural acedotes.

I have also been watching variety shows to practice, I have been watching Yu Jaeseok's How Do You Play. It is basically a TV show where the main character, Yu Jaeseok, takes up new personas to achieve his dreams. For example I watched the SSAK3 series where Yu Jaeseok created a Mix Gender Idol Group that was common in the 90s, to release a summer themed album. I really enjoyed the show and couldn't stop laughing at how funny it was. I also found myself repeating certain phrases, like 이렇게 입으면 기분이 조크든요 which has a double mean of when I wear this I feel good or when I wear this I feel like a joke. I feel like repeating what I hear from songs and show is what really helps my vocabulary improve. I hope to continue to use fun mediums to help my language skills.

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