MLC 105 Learning Journal #3

As noted in the reading, the cultural dimensions of learning a new language inevitably becomes increasingly crucial when attempting to adequately adopt the particular language at hand. Consequently, learning and correspondingly understanding these cultural differences is a necessity. That being said, I feel as if the best way to achieve true knowledge of a new language (in a classroom setting) is for the instructor in question to use a culturally-responsive method of teaching.

For example, forcing the students to take a deeper look at the culture's surface qualities will, presumably, always be of service. Rather than just pointing out the differences between a familiar culture/language and that of a new one, students should strive to know the foreign state as well and as completely as possible. In my mind, to truly understand something, one must uterly immerse themself in its unadulterated entirety. Without this basic understanding, I feel as if a student trying to learn a new lanuage will always find themselves fightung an up-hill battle. Therefore, I believe we can make it much easier on ourselves in the long run if we simply decide to embrace the other culture, fully, right from the very beginning.

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