Journal #7

These past two weeks we have discussed time.  We have learned the words for the days of the week. Starting with Monday, they are Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jum’at, Sabtu, and Minggu.  The word for week is minggu, the same as Sunday, but not capitalized.  We also learned the months of the year, Januari, Februari, Maret, April, Mei, Juni, Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, Nopember, and Desember.  These identifiers can be used to describe dates and when to do an activity.  Thalia discussed the calendar with me last semester, so I recalled some of the months and days, but I did not recall everything.  Once I was able to read over the names again, however, I was able to recite everything from memory again.  I am definitely starting to recognize words used in conversation.  Even if I am still unable to follow everything, I am starting to pick up on context clues.  I am looking forward to working over the break to memorize some more vocabulary and continuing my studies with Bu Julie next semester.    

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