Journal #6

            These past two weeks we have focused on common expressions.  I have included a few sentences below.  These sentences demonstrate the similarity to the English language, as it is always changing.  These sentences use slang words that are not often taught in textbooks but are common in conversation.    


  1.     Ini kelas somplak.


  1.     Adik laki laki saya jahil.


  1.     Teman saya dan saya kesasar di sekolah.


  1.     Saya sial setelah ulangan.


  1.     Teman saya kata “Wkwkwkwkwk” di pesan teks.


  1.     Emberan, saya punya kelas.


  1.     Teman saya karen abis.


  1.     Paman saya berandalan. Dia suhka mencuri.


  1.     Ini kelas adalah pengeboman.


  1.  Bung, bisakah saya dimaafkan.

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