105: Journal #2

How have you organized your self-directed learning plan, and what have you learned so far?
I organized my self-directed learning plan by first having clear, attainable goals and then writing down 10 tasks that would help me achieve the goals. The tasks are mostly focused on developing my reading and writing skills because I learned Korean mainly from listening and speaking with my friends and family. However, I do include tasks that go over all of the skill categories. So far, I have watched a show without English subtitles and wrote down a list of vocabulary words that I do not know and looked up the definitions.
After receiving feedback from your classmates and Dr. Marsh-Soloway, what changes do you anticipate making?
After receiving feedback, I plan on including more listening tasks and more tasks that has to do with grammar.
How will your studies allow you investigate your target language and culture more deeply?
I think one of the most effective ways to learn a language is to get immersed in their culture. Therefore, I am trying to learn by watching shows without subtitles and reading their novels.
What first prompted your interest, and motivated you to start learning?
I was interested in learning Korean because I grew up in a Korean family but I do not know how to write or read properly because I was never taught how. Every single time I go and visit South Korea I always feel like an outsider because sometimes I am not able to answer questions that native Koreans ask me.

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