Final Cultural Presentation

Korea's Competitive Culture & its Effect on Societal Expectations/Pressure

My presentation investigated why competition seems to be so heavily ingrained in Korean culture and its effect on societal expectations and pressure. In my research I found that South Korea stresses heavy importance on education because they believe it to be a way of success. This is due to the fact that the country was able to find success and be as innovative as it's known to be today through hard-work. That is why they believe that if they promote and encourage hard-work in education, then the whole country will flourish and be successful. However, this creates strenuous upbringings for Koreans. It forms this idea that they have to get ahead and be the best in order to be successful. This is how and why the competitive aspect of Korea's culture was born. In effect, societal expectations grew from the increasing growth of pressure experienced throughout their life. In search of alternative means to stand out, Korea had resorted to beauty. I further explain the consequence of this mindset and address the toxic effect it has on Koreans' wellbeing. 

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  • Hi Erica! I really like your final cultural presentation's topic. I think the competition seems really heavy in Korean culture when I watched the famous Korean drama Sky Castle. I think I really understand it because it is the same in China. I wonder do most Korean parents want their children to become doctors as the drama shows? I am really impressed by the story of that drama so I also would like to do more research on this topic.

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