
  • Pri! What a fun and colorful presentation! I love that one of your learning goals is ordering food in Korean. I have studied my target language all year but am not able to do that yet because the vocabulary I’ve been learning is so different. However I think it's really cool that you chose such an applicable task, I hope you will get to learn this in your future studies!

  • Hello Pri! 

    I absolutely love watching all of your videos and reading your posts. Even though we have the same language partner and do our lessons together I always learn new things from you. It's really great to see the other ways you learn about Korean culture and the language. Food is so fun to eat and learn about so I was really happy to learn about so many different Korean food and culture in your video. It also brought me back to when we had Bonchon chicken together. I also really liked how you explained the culture around meals too and the customs. You mentioned that you noticed the communal aspect of Korean culture from watching Korean shows which proves how powerful and insightful these movies and shows can be. I think communal eating is honestly more fun. One interesting fun fact I learned in my neuroscience class is that people actually tend to eat more when they eat together. I appreciated you highlighting respect for elders in eating customs. Thanks for also teaching me a new greeting and for being the best Korean-learning partner I could have asked for! :) 

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