Fifth Cultural Post

I felt that including a few pictures of markets I went to while in Ankara would be an effective way of representing the importance of learning animal vocabulary for both the purpose of expanding my vocabulary, and tying it in with daily survival while in Turkey.

Even though I had minimal knowledge of animals and foods in the Turkish language while I was there (apart from the common things that I ate often), I had friends who spoke Turkish who would help me. However, while looking lack on it, I believe I would have gotten more out of my abroad experience if I navigated the markets independently. I would have been forced to learn food and animal vocabulary more rapidly.

Haktan and I spent a significant about of time in class talking about different types of foods (by looking at grocery store catalogues that he brought from Turkey). I learned with him how to go to a grocery store or a market (as seen in the photographs) and ask for certain produces.

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