Fatal Embrace (by Mark Braverman)

This book addresses the issues between two conflicting people, the Israelis and Palestinians. The author touches on the struggle that the Palestinians live with everyday. While the Jewish people have been working to establish the "State of Israel" as their home, it is not a safe place from either group. Peace seems out of reach right now. While one group is working to attain and establish safety for their own, everyone else is fighting for their homes. This is essentially a "Fatal Embrace" because no one has found peace and because this struggle as continued to last this long, outsiders (Jews and Christians) are afraid to address this head on.

Mark Braverman reinforces the idea that, even though he stands for the justice of the Palestinians, he is still a Jew. This issue can't be swept under the rug any longer he says. Can peace be found in this home land?

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