I started writing in Nepali after I felt comfortable and sure that I was writing it properly. I noticed that when I was writing, I always second guessed what I was writing and was always checking to see if what I wrote was properly written, which thinking back now is natural but when I was in the process, it was suuuuuper frustrating. 

I definitely prefer to write free hand because I think if I were to even think about typing, it would take me so much time to figure out the keys and keybinds since the characters are so different. I don't think I was paying enough attention to see the patterns deep enough but that is something that I will definitely be looking out for. One thing that I was reminded of about Nepali is that sentence structure is really different compared to English. I've read texts and documents where the sentence seems to go on forever and that isn't considered a run-on sentence. In Nepali, sentences are structured Subject-Object-Verb, but that seems like in some cases its just a jumble of all of the things at once. 

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