Discussion #7

After going back and watch the recording of my presentation of my learning plan, I think I have been following my learning plan pretty well. So far, I have covered the Korean Alphabet, self-introduction, and easy daily phrases. Other than learning language itself, my partner and I had some very good conversation about Korean culture, politics, and social conflicts. We followed up with the Korean News, including the new COVID 19 virus, the movie parasite, the Nth Room Case, and cults in Korea. The discussions on the current events were not part of my learning plan, but I really enjoyed it and have learned a lot.

The reading that really helped me was the reading about international phonetic alphabet and mechanism behind all the phonetic sound. Based on my language learning experience, I have never encountered with a lot of phonetic sound in Korea. Because I do not know how to make the specific phonetic sound, my language partner has to correct me over and over. After understand the phonetic structure and mechanism behind different phonetic sound I am able to be more precise on the pronunciation.

From my past experience of Korean movies and TV shows, and conversation with my language partner, I found out seniority is very important in Korean culture. Because of the importance of seniority, there are two honorific systems in the Korean language. People need to use different honorific system based on the people you talk to. I found the honorific system very similar to Japanese.

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