Learning about homes in Kabul really did open my eyes to realize how differently people live across the world. It's strange to even think about myself a month ago...as I think I must have been pretty ignorant even then. I always just figured that houses were basically the same around the world. I thought that every house had at least a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedrooms. However, after doing my research project, I realized that traditional homes in Kabul are without many of these things that I had previously thought were so necessary.
I never imagined that living rooms would also serve the purpose of dining rooms and bedrooms. I guess I also hadn't thought about the fact that appliances differ in Afghanistan so kitchens aren't really a necessity when there is a tandoor in the courtyard and a small closet where bowls are kept. Additionally, the idea of going up onto the roof to sleep in the summer seems so completely foreign to me, but that's exactly what it is: foreign. These concepts aren't backwards, or wrong, or strange, they're simply different. The climate, lifestyle, economy, and religion of the community causes their homes to operate differently. I'm sure that a man living in a traditional home in Kabul would be very confused by traditional American homes, wondering why everyone in the house had a special room for only themselves, and I'm sure this man would be confused when he didn't see a parlor designed specially to receive guests in.
Not only did my culture post show me the different styles of living that exist in the Middle East, but it also opened my eyes to the extreme poverty that exists in these areas. I was so shocked to see pictures of the shantytowns that exist all over Kabul. In my sophomore year "Perspectives on International Studies" course, we looked at the problems caused by globalization, including the prevalence of shantytowns. The majority of Kabul residents live in illegal or insufficient housing, which is really difficult to believe. For this reason, Afghan leaders and urban developers are building the city of New Kabul. Initially, I figured that this city would only house the wealthiest citizens and Old Kabul would become one massive shantytown. However, this outcome has been acknowledged and so the developers are making low-income, middle-income, and high-income housing so that New Kabul will represent a real functioning city. Additionally, they will monitor the development of Old Kabul so that it does not become an area consumed by crime and poverty.
To this culture post I am also attaching my powerpoint presentation of housing in Kabul. And for an additional resource, I am attaching a word document where I took all of my notes for the presentation.