Couple trend in Korea is a really big deal. When walking down the streets of Seoul, it seems as if everyone around you is in a relationship. This is because couples make an effort to stand out. Every couple around you will be in a matching outfit. Couples often wear the same shirt, bags, phonecase, and even shoes. Additionally, many restaurants and cafes will have deals and promotions just for couples. This creates a big industry and market for activities and shops that deal with just couples. Another interesting thing about Korean couples is that they tend to celebrate every 100 days. Unlike America, which celebrates every half-year and year, Koreans put an emphasis on every 100 days. The first 100 days are especially important. Korean couples will tend to buy big gifts and go all out on the first 100 days of their relationship. It is seen as a big milestone. Many of these couple trends are emphasized in Korean dramas and songs.
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