Cultural Blog (2)- class assigned topic

Our assignment is to address the country our language is spoken in as either individualist or collectivist. I think this is an interesting assignment because, if I understand correctly, can be defined by either of these words independently. Hofstede states that Israel is both collectivist and individualistic at the same time. I find this to be really interesting because ever since I was young, my family would talk about how they would stay in kibutzes when visiting family and friends in Israel. the idea behind these homes is- the community is the home. Everyone takes part in helping the "family" or community of people together. While on the other hand, Israeli's just like any other ethnic group, is very individualistic in their vision of life (ie in the business world- people look out for their best interest sometimes). Since there are "few givens in life... there are no limits on what you can do or becomes, so long as you set your mind to it and make the necessary effort..."people like the Israelis can reach their goals. 

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