Biweekly Journal #3

I learned about another type of proverbs. These proverbs are four worded proverbs and are written with Chinese characters called “한자”. One character stands for a word or phrase. For example “춘하추동” means spring, summer, fall, and winter. “춘” stands for spring, “하” stands for summer,  “추” stands for fall, and “동” stands for winter. My favorite 4 worded proverb was “고진감래” which means that after the hard times, a better time will come. It was interesting to learn about 4 worded proverbs because I have never learned about them in the past and it is even difficult for those who are fluent in Korean.

I also learned about Korean grammar rules. Many times my grammar is not perfect, so I learned a lot through our lesson. I learned the formal rule for how to write a verb in the present, past, future. For example, I was able to perfect my Korean grammar for the word "안돼" which I learned is shortened for "안되어". I used to write "안됬다" but the correct way would be "안됐다". 

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