Biweekly Journal #1

Biweekly Journal #1

During the first 2 weeks, I established goals with my new Korean language partner, Jimin. My goal was not only to become more fluent in Korean, but also to learn more about culture and practical everyday ways of speaking and behaving. With my previous language partners, I focused on more academic and formal aspects of the Korean language and culture. This semester I focused on areas including being able to watch Korean movies without subtitles, learning recent Korean slang, learning about Korean history, learning Korean proverbs and idioms, and perfecting my grammar.

I also learned about Korean slang that I was not aware of. I thought I was up to date, but I was not. I learned terms such as 댕댕이, which means “puppy”, and JMT, which means really delicious. I use these terms to this day with my friends and my sister.

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