bi weekly reflection #1

In my first meeting with my tutor Jimin, we discussed my learning plan and were able to come up with 10 goals in order to reach my goals and to improve my grasp of the korean language. The ten goals I came with were to improve my writing and speaking, learn more about the history of Korea, watch a full movie in Korean (영화), learn and better understand korean slang to be able to identify it, korean idioms (관용구), korean proverbs (속담), going to GrandMart in order to learn more about Korean food and culture, watching korean variety shows (예능) and understanding it without subtitles, increasing my korean vocabulary, and learning language in the workplace. We determined I hope to be able to accomplish all these goals and at least make improvements consistently week by week by exposing myself to more and more Korean in all different forms. We decided to have our meetings on Thursdays which is nice and means that I now have a consistent meeting with my tutor and makes it much easier to get started and on track to reach my goals. I will continue to build my skills by thinking more deeply about tasks in Korean including from my current knowledge and trying to find more relationships between words and to identify words that came from idioms and proverbs. I am so excited to get started and improve my korean even more! One of my goals that I will keep in mind is taking the TOFL equivalent TOPIK exam which I hope to be able to do by the end of my lessons with my teachers. I am more than ready to do whatever I need to get to that point and will add more practice materials other than Duolingo I am doing to maintain my vocabulary. I will make sure I go through each of the activities by making sure I do at least one activity on my learning plan through the 10 goals I have. I will essentially have 1 week of instruction on each goal and will also use outside resources like the Global Studies Korean books. I will also look through the catalog and if I cannot find a resource that is suitable for my plan, I will let Dr. Marsh-Soloway know so that he can help get the books and materials to use for instruction and my self-practice. Dr. Marsh-Soloway introduced me to global interpark which I will look through for more Korean resources as well. I learned from strategies that I am an active learner so I will interact with these books, practice with my tutor and outside of classes either alone or with some friends, and will make the activities engaging by tailoring them to include hands on activities and writing as well. I will also keep a journal to document all my practice which I have just gotten over the weekend. I will also try to read an intermediate level book in Korean and do my best to understand it while taking notes so that I can increase my reading speed and understanding of harder concepts and topics in Korean.

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