Bi-Weekly Learning Journal #4


This week Evelyn decided to go over diction that even people living in Korea have a hard time spelling correctly. This is because in colloquial language, Koreans misspell it all the time and it is acceptable or they don’t even realize that they are spelling it incorrectly. She showed a video of popular celebrities trying to spell certain words correctly and most of them got it wrong. Evelyn then gave me a list of spelling rules to go over the diction. I was surprised because some of the words were spelled differently based on what the next word is after. It actually got super confusing because there were so many rules to just one word. Evelyn went through all the rules and then quizzed me on it. I had a hard time memorizing it all but I got most of them correct. We then started using the words in a sentence and writing everything out. I noted them down in my notebook and will be practicing them as homework for next week.

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