Bi weekly learning #5

In these two weeks of classes, my language partner taught me more about Korean grammar and sentence structure. Korean has the same sentence structure as Japanese, Subject + Object + Verb, and just like Japanese, there are different conjugation for the subject, object, topic, place, and possessive.  이/가 topic 은/는 subject 에/에서 place 을/를 object 의 possessive. We went over some examples for the different conjugation. The first one we went over is 는 저는샘입니다 which means I am Sam. In the sentence 저 means I (formal), the subject of the sentence, and 는 is the conjugator follows by the subject. 은is used when the word ended with a vowel. The way I memorize the use of 는 by putting it into the same category as が in Japanese which is also followed by the subject of the sentence. Then we went over the use of 이/가, conjugator for the topic of the sentence. 이가 is being used mostly for only two-letter names and is used mostly for one or three-letter names. 샘이 안일어나요 which means Sam will not wake up. is a one-letter name, so 이 is being used in this case. 수정이가 많이 먹어요 which means Sujeong eats a lot, and 수정 is a two-letter name, so 이가is used. I put 이 and 이가 into the same category as は, which is the conjugator for the topic in Japanese. We also went over the use of 에/에서. These conjugations are used for place and time. 저는 도서관에서 공부를해요 which means I study at the library. 도서관 is a place so I have to add the 에서 ending to the stem. 공원에 놀러가요 means we go to the park to play. But, 공원에서 놀아요 means we play at the park. The place is the same but by using and 에서 the meaning changes. is used for mostly descriptive sentences. 에서 is used for saying “at” and usually a specific verb is added to show an action that takes place at the location. I put and 에서 into the same category as てand in Japanese which is the conjugator for place and time. 을/를is the conjugator for the object. 겨울싫어해요 which means as for winter, I hate it, just like Japanese the sentence omitted the subject and the winter is the object. The original sentence should be

저는겨울싫어해요. I put/를 into the same category as はfor object. The last one we went over is possessive 의. 샘의 동생 which means Sam’s brother, and 의 is the possessive conjugator in the sentence and it is same as のin Japanese. Because I have taken Japanese, and the concept of conjugation is very similar, learning Korean conjugation is very easy for me.

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