In the past two weeks, I learned how to spell words in Korean based on the dictation and I also learned the Korean number system. I had a lot of spelling exercises including my English name, Chinese name, daily greeting, and many other phrases. I continued having difficulties in differentiating between ㅈ, J sound, and ㅊ, Ch sound. When these two letters are put in context, I always use the wrong one. I am planning to have more spelling exercises and become more familiar with the Korean alphabet.
I also learned about the Korean number system. There are two different number systems, the native Korean system, and the Sino-Korean system. The native numbers are used for numbers of items (1-99) and age, while the Sino-Korean system is based on Chinese numbers and is used for dates, money, addresses, phone numbers and numbers above 100. I learned Sino-Korean from zero to ten. 공 (gong), 일(il), 이(i), 삼(sam), 사 (sa), 오 (o), 육 (yuk), 칠 (chil), 팔 (pal), 구(gu), and 십 (ship) and Native Korean from one to ten, 하나 (hana), 둘(dul), 셋 (set), 넷(net), 다섯 (daseot), 여섯 (yeoseot), 일곱 (ilgop, 여덟 (yeodeol), 아홉 (ahop), and 열(yeol). Additionally, I learned how to count money in Korean. I learned that their money system uses the 원 (won) currency. 1,000 (천) won is (supposed to be) equivalent to one US dollar. 만is 10,000, and 만원 is (supposed to be) equivalent to ten US dollars. During the class my language partner, Brenda, and I also went over some scenarios, such as self-introduction I name is Sam (저는 샘입니다), I am 23 years old (저는 스물 세 살입니다), I am a college student (저는 대학생입니다), my phone number is7812967801 (제 전화 번호는 칠팔일 이구육 칠팔공일 입니다). I learned how to introduce my major as well. Finance in Korean is 경영, and major is 전공. Therefore, if I were to introduce my major, I would say 제 전공은 경영입니다. I also learned how to say table side manners in Korean. It was interesting because we do not have an equivalent expression in English nor Chinese. I learned how to say 잘먹겠습니다 which literally means I will eat well, but it expresses thanks for the people who prepared the meal. Once you are done eating, you are supposed to say 잘먹었습니다 which literally means I ate well. This phrase expresses that the meal was delicious, and it expresses your gratitude for the meal. These two phrases are very similar to the Japanese phrase いただきます, Japanese people also say it before they eat