This week, I have learned to expand my vocabulary regarding colors. Besides the normal colors (i.e. red, black, blue), I've expanded to more specific colors like navy, light brown, and neon. I'm not used to learning more than the usual primary colors in a foreign language, so I'm glad that I got to expand my horizons. I have also learned to distinguish between casual and honorific terms and comparing and contrasting different types of items when writing in Korean. While writing and practicing with my language partner, I realized how different speaking and writing is in a language. Though I knew writing is obviously more formal, it's different from practicing the language versus acknowledging the writing is more formal. I've also learned the names of different countries and learned how to pair adjectives to nouns along with exceptions to the rule. I also read a short story "The Story of the Sun and the Moon" with Seonghye and Sharon. Having other people to read a short story with is supportive and helpful, especially when I have questions regarding the vocabulary and grammar. I haven't read Korean formally in a while, and I thought it was fascinating to see that I am able to read a story and know the general plot, and also to expand on that foundation. I have been keeping track of my new vocabulary words in a journal, which has been helpful in terms of organizing the new words that I've learning into chunks by week and topic. I have also started watching a Korean movie "Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds" with subtitles, 30 minutes per week. I thought it helped with my goal of listening and learning the dialect.
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