This week Atul and I worked on learning the simple past tense for the verbs we have gone over for the past 2 weeks. Simple past was a little difficult for me because there are a few irregular verbs that had completely different conjugations from their infinitive form but as long as I keep practicing it then I will be able to use it more easily in conversation. We did not learn new verbs this week because we figured that would be too much in addition to simple past. In addition to simple past we learned various topics that I told Atul I wanted to cover such as emotions, days of the week, basic words for time, weather, and adjectives to describe people. These are going to be harder to remember because we won't use them as often in our practice sessions but they are terms used in daily conversation so I should try to practice using them or at least make sure I understand what they mean.
A fun activity that Atul and I did this weekend was going to an a local Indian grocery store where he taught me the names of different foods such as spices, fruits, and vegetables. The videos I have attached are my artifacts documenting our grocery trip. In the videos I am pointing out different foods and saying what their names are in Hindi. It was helpful to get off campus and do this activity rather than just learning the names of the foods in a classroom setting. I realized that I had already heard of many of the names of foods in various Indian dishes but I had not associated them with those particular fruits or vegetables. The videos are attached at the bottom of the post as YouTube links due to the file size limit.
From next week onwards Atul is going to be speaking to me only in Hindi during our session so I will get full immersion into the language. I am not sure how this will go but hopefully I will be able to respond to him more easily and practice speaking more! My friends who fluently speak Hindi tried to get me to speak Hindi to them this weekend or at least say a few sentences and I was able to but I still do not feel confident in speaking so I just need to continue to practice!