This week Atul and I focused mostly on the list of topics I gave him that I wanted to cover. These are random topics but probably important and common words I should learn. We continue to focus on the difference between the words "main" which is in reference to some action you are doing and "mujhe" which is in reference to something that is happening to you or that you have to do but is out of your control. I constantly get these two words mixed up because they are always used at the beginning of sentences. I think once I continue to practice speaking then I will understand more clearly which contexts I should use these two words in. The other topics that we covered were body parts, jewelry, colors, directions, and family members. Many of these words I had heard before but I could not use in a sentence. Again, these are words I will not use on a regular basis with my language partner but they will come up in conversation so I will need to practice them on my own to remember them.

We also learned a few new vocabulary words this week so I will need to practice conjugating them with the past simple form. Next week Atul will start speaking to me in Hindi during all our sessions. 

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