I have done a little bit of writing so far. I like to test myself and see how much I know just by free writing in my notebook and writing about whatever comes to mind. It also helps me widen my vocabulary when I don't know a word– I look it up. There are differences between English and catalan sentences, for example in English you say “I want it” and in Catalan you say “jo Vull” because it is reflexive. The subject and verb are swapped. There are also verb conjugations that depend on the last two letters of the verb– er,ir, ar; along with the subject/person who is doing the action. However, since it's the same as Spanish I don't struggle too much.
avui he begut cafè quan em desperto, després he menjat fruita i galetes i he anat a l'habitació dels meus nuvis. Després de tenir classe vaig tenir dues clases. Després, després de classe, vaig anar al gimnàs i m'agrada fer exercici. Ara faig els deures.
Here is an example. I just wrote what I did today and then I went through and underlined the words I didn't know or the words that I misspelled.
Also, when I do vocabulary with mariona I try to apply words into sentences. For example when we did numbers I looked how to say “I am 19 years” old and “How old are you” I also made sure I had the year 2022 memorized.