105 Post Learning Journal #1

It was extremely interesting to read more about the scientific aspect of learning a language. I learned that the left hemisphere is dominant for language in most right-handed people. However, in left-handed individuals mixed dominance was observed. In right-handed people, the left hemisphere was found to be dominant in "analytical tasks, categorization, calculation, logical organization, information sequencing, complex motor functions, and language". The right hemisphere is stated to be dominant for "perception and matching of global patters, part-whole relationships, spatial orientation, creative sensibility, musical patterns, and motional expression or recognition". 

I also learned that people immediately associate vocabulary with sense. Sentence study is the foundation of grammar because words do not make sense alone, but when put together. 

It was eye-opening to learn about the scientific observations of language because as a science major, these concepts intrigue curiosity within me. I realized that I have a need to learn more complex and detailed vocabulary in the Korean language. 

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