105 - Journal #8

How many new words have you learned in your target language? 

            I have learned too many new words to even count! I have learned how to count, introduce myself, ask where someone else lives, and basic verbs. I have also worked towards my end goal of communicating proficiently enough to speak with vendors in a market. I have learned about produce, animals, and how to designate possession (either mine or theirs) with these objects.


How did you learn them? 

            I learned them all through my language partner and some I even learned when speaking about my sessions with my parents. My parents sometimes add new words to my vocabulary.


Do you have realistic goals for your acquisition of vocabulary?

            I think my goals are realistic because my language partner always introduces new vocabulary to me every week. In addition, whenever I struggle with this vocabulary through pronunciation or even remembering it, my language partner always takes the time to review it with me. I think that this process not only helps me acquire the vocabulary faster, but also is beginning to help me associate terms I see in my head to the way it is said in Quechua.

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