Figuring Foreigners Out focused on five different notions within cultures. The first one was the concept of individualism and collectivism. It’s claimed that those who are individualistic, don’t necessarily see group membership as an essential block of one’s identity but rather see self as the primary focus of their identity. On the other hand, those who identify as collectivists tend to see membership in a group as one’s major component of identity. The second concept was the idea of nonverbal communication. There are many cultures that rely on nonverbal behaviors such as gestures and facial expressions as a means of communication. The interesting point about this concept is that a nonverbal symbol can mean different things in different cultures. As a result, sometimes this can cause misunderstanding among people. The third concept discussed was time. Those who tend to believe in a monochronic approach of time, see it as a commodity that should be valued and met in accordance with deadlines. On the other hand, those who see time in the polychronic aspect, tend to be more flexible and open to adjustments as circumstances require. The fourth concept was the idea of internal and external factors that influence our lives. Those who lean more toward the internal approach see life dependent on one’s own actions and decisions. On the other hand, those with an external perspective tend to see outside or predestined factors influential in making decisions. The last concept discussed in this reading was the role of direct and indirect communication within cultures. Cultures that tend to imply things rather than directly pointing out concerns or suggestions, fall under the indirect category. Such cultures tend to avoid confrontation and move toward peace. On the other hand, cultures that are direct tend to be less concerned about the collectivist approach and are more explicit in what needs to be said. While some cultures may be more of one of these concepts over the other, as the author claims, almost all of them have a mix of these concepts. 

Similarly, the Hofstede Dimensions of Culture demonstrate certain cultural factors that may influence the workplace and our interaction with each other. Hofstede’s analysis includes the role of Power Distance Index (PDI), Individualism (IDV), Masculinity (MAS), Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) and Long Term Orientation (LTO). PDI helps to understand inequalities in power. IDV shows the role of individualism in comparison with collectivism. MAS helps to understand the difference in gender domination. UAI focuses on one’s level of tolerance in relation to “uncertainty and ambiguity”. Lastly, LTO portrays the value of tradition compared to forward-thinking. 

These assessments are a good starting point to be mindful of other cultures but what I find problematic is the categorization of associating certain countries with such values. There is some truth to these values but most cultures are a mix of the above factors. No culture has always been a certain way. Even cultures that tend to be individualistic today may have been collectivist at a certain point. I think the point that is not emphasized in these readings is the concept of culture as an evolving notion. Furthermore, many cultures tend to borrow and adapt ideas and ways of life from each other. It’s not clear if the authors are taking into consideration that concept. Additionally,  there seems to be negligence in how religion or significant events such as war or natural disasters can impact culture over time.

The countries of Afghanistan and Iran are usually portrayed to have a collectivist identity. This is usually seen in how people take pride in their identity or nationality of being from these countries. It’s mostly true that people value family and associate with larger groups from their cultures. However, during the past decade, I think both of these countries are seeing more of an individualistic approach to life. It’s not that people are not collectivist anymore but rather many are stressing independence and self-reliance. I think the emphasis on being individualistic is more seen by those within that culture. However, from the outside, it is harder to tell because people usually tend to put forward the collectivist approach rather than the individualistic one. For example, in Afghanistan, I am seen as someone who identifies primarily with myself and as someone who seeks to be self-sufficient. While this is true, in the United States, I still carry the collectivist identity of being an Afghan, being a woman and being part of a larger group regardless of the distance. 

Regardless, there were some ideas that are on point. One idea is the role of nonverbal communication. I think being from different cultures can cause a lot of confusion if you are not familiar with the host country’s use of this way of communicating. Since moving to the United States, I had to reteach myself to raise my whole hand when answering a question in class. Back home, I use my index finger to show I want to participate or answer a question. I also grew up using my index finger to communicate when in conversation. However, I soon realized that by pointing your index finger in the US when communicating with someone, it can come off as aggressive and give the wrong message. Another non-verbal gesture of communication that I am continuously working on is my facial expression. I am used to raising one eyebrow or both to answer when someone calls my name. However, raising one eyebrow to a professor or a classmate can cause confusion and come off as disrespectful. The other idea that is on point is the concept of time. In my culture, people are very flexible with regards to schedules. For example, when one is invited to come to a wedding at 6 pm, it actually means to come at 9 pm. While it’s kind of funny but it can also cause misunderstanding. In conclusion, I think these readings pointed out great ideas to be mindful of when learning about new cultures. However, unless you are told by someone from that culture or you are really immersed in that culture, I would not generalize any of these ideas or associate them with a specific culture. 

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